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Symbol Dictionary for Lines

02-24-2021 01:42 PM
Occasional Contributor

I am just starting out creating a symbol dictionary to handle data from CAD files. My end game is a symbol dictionary that can handle many variables (line types, layer on or frozen, line weights, colors etc). My thought is that this would be best handled by a symbol dictionary. I have an example GDB and the symbol dictionary. Problem is I can't get things working the way I expect. I have a few different line symbols and colors in the symbol dictionary but no matter what I do I cannot get the symbols to appear as I expect. Any help would be appreciated.

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5 Replies
MVP Esteemed Contributor

I can symbolize the polyline like this, using the style file you shared.



How would you like the symbology to look like?

Think Location
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Occasional Contributor

That looks like what I am getting but oddly enough if you change the layer fields in the dictionary nothing changes. I have all variables in the dictionary set to none and it has no effect on the symbology.



To start I would like the different line types and the colors. As of now I believe the symbol dictionary has 5 colors in it (keys: 7, 11, 23, 60 & 61). These keys relate to the autocad colors (there are 250 so I will need to add more to the dictionary). There are many more line types as well but I haven't begun adding them all since I cannot get the color & line type parameters functioning.


Is the problem the arcade code in the .stylx?

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MVP Esteemed Contributor

Could you check if you can Import Symbology from CAD Layer ? 

You could streamline the process using ModelBuilder, if required.

Think Location
0 Kudos
Occasional Contributor

Sorry I am not sure I understand. I can import symbology from a layer but not sure I have a cad layer with the symbology I am looking for.


In a perfect world this is what I want to accomplish: LyrFrzn & LyrOn both provide on off logic (if either LyrFrzn=1 or  LyrOn=0 don't show otherwise show), color controls color, EntLinetype determines the line type (dashing effect), & LineWt determines line weight.


Is a symbol dictionary the best solution for this? I already have the EntLinetype portion functioning in my symbol library. I am looking to add the on/off functions, color function, and width function.


For the color function I have the "autocad color" to hex color mapped already and can store this in a variable if it is best to apply the color in the symbol library arcade script, otherwise I can create color entries in the .stylx for each. Either way I haven't gotten this to function.

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Occasional Contributor

Maybe a solution is to use the symbol dictionary and create symbols for each type of line and then use the arcade script to modify the color & width?

Here is a copy of the arcade script I have in my symbol library. Thoughts on this solution?


// calculating the semi-colon delimited keys

//Map autocad colors to hex
var _color = decode($feature.color, 0, '#000000',1, '#FF0000',2, '#FFFF00',3, '#00FF00',4, '#00FFFF',5, '#0000FF',6, '#FF00FF',7, '#FFFFFF',8, '#414141',9, '#808080',10, '#FF0000',11, '#FFAAAA',12, '#BD0000',13, '#BD7E7E',14, '#810000',15, '#815656',16, '#680000',17, '#684545',18, '#4F0000',19, '#4F3535',20, '#FF3F00',21, '#FFBFAA',22, '#BD2E00',23, '#BD8D7E',24, '#811F00',25, '#816056',26, '#681900',27, '#684E45',28, '#4F1300',29, '#4F3B35',30, '#FF7F00',31, '#FFD4AA',32, '#BD5E00',33, '#BD9D7E',34, '#814000',35, '#816B56',36, '#683400',37, '#685645',38, '#4F2700',39, '#4F4235',40, '#FFBF00',41, '#FFEAAA',42, '#BD8D00',43, '#BDAD7E',44, '#816000',45, '#817656',46, '#684E00',47, '#685F45',48, '#4F3B00',49, '#4F4935',50, '#FFFF00',51, '#FFFFAA',52, '#BDBD00',53, '#BDBD7E',54, '#818100',55, '#818156',56, '#686800',57, '#686845',58, '#4F4F00',59, '#4F4F35',60, '#BFFF00',61, '#EAFFAA',62, '#8DBD00',63, '#ADBD7E',64, '#608100',65, '#768156',66, '#4E6800',67, '#5F6845',68, '#3B4F00',69, '#494F35',70, '#7FFF00',71, '#D4FFAA',72, '#5EBD00',73, '#9DBD7E',74, '#408100',75, '#6B8156',76, '#346800',77, '#566845',78, '#274F00',79, '#424F35',80, '#3FFF00',81, '#BFFFAA',82, '#2EBD00',83, '#8DBD7E',84, '#1F8100',85, '#608156',86, '#196800',87, '#4E6845',88, '#134F00',89, '#3B4F35',90, '#00FF00',91, '#AAFFAA',92, '#00BD00',93, '#7EBD7E',94, '#008100',95, '#568156',96, '#006800',97, '#456845',98, '#004F00',99, '#354F35',100, '#00FF3F',101, '#AAFFBF',102, '#00BD2E',103, '#7EBD8D',104, '#00811F',105, '#568160',106, '#006819',107, '#45684E',108, '#004F13',109, '#354F3B',110, '#00FF7F',111, '#AAFFD4',112, '#00BD5E',113, '#7EBD9D',114, '#008140',115, '#56816B',116, '#006834',117, '#456856',118, '#004F27',119, '#354F42',120, '#00FFBF',121, '#AAFFEA',122, '#00BD8D',123, '#7EBDAD',124, '#008160',125, '#568176',126, '#00684E',127, '#45685F',128, '#004F3B',129, '#354F49',130, '#00FFFF',131, '#AAFFFF',132, '#00BDBD',133, '#7EBDBD',134, '#008181',135, '#568181',136, '#006868',137, '#456868',138, '#004F4F',139, '#354F4F',140, '#00BFFF',141, '#AAEAFF',142, '#008DBD',143, '#7EADBD',144, '#006081',145, '#567681',146, '#004E68',147, '#455F68',148, '#003B4F',149, '#35494F',150, '#007FFF',151, '#AAD4FF',152, '#005EBD',153, '#7E9DBD',154, '#004081',155, '#566B81',156, '#003468',157, '#455668',158, '#00274F',159, '#35424F',160, '#003FFF',161, '#AABFFF',162, '#002EBD',163, '#7E8DBD',164, '#001F81',165, '#566081',166, '#001968',167, '#454E68',168, '#00134F',169, '#353B4F',170, '#0000FF',171, '#AAAAFF',172, '#0000BD',173, '#7E7EBD',174, '#000081',175, '#565681',176, '#000068',177, '#454568',178, '#00004F',179, '#35354F',180, '#3F00FF',181, '#BFAAFF',182, '#2E00BD',183, '#8D7EBD',184, '#1F0081',185, '#605681',186, '#190068',187, '#4E4568',188, '#13004F',189, '#3B354F',190, '#7F00FF',191, '#D4AAFF',192, '#5E00BD',193, '#9D7EBD',194, '#400081',195, '#6B5681',196, '#340068',197, '#564568',198, '#27004F',199, '#42354F',200, '#BF00FF',201, '#EAAAFF',202, '#8D00BD',203, '#AD7EBD',204, '#600081',205, '#765681',206, '#4E0068',207, '#5F4568',208, '#3B004F',209, '#49354F',210, '#FF00FF',211, '#FFAAFF',212, '#BD00BD',213, '#BD7EBD',214, '#810081',215, '#815681',216, '#680068',217, '#684568',218, '#4F004F',219, '#4F354F',220, '#FF00BF',221, '#FFAAEA',222, '#BD008D',223, '#BD7EAD',224, '#810060',225, '#815676',226, '#68004E',227, '#68455F',228, '#4F003B',229, '#4F3549',230, '#FF007F',231, '#FFAAD4',232, '#BD005E',233, '#BD7E9D',234, '#810040',235, '#81566B',236, '#680034',237, '#684556',238, '#4F0027',239, '#4F3542',240, '#FF003F',241, '#FFAABF',242, '#BD002E',243, '#BD7E8D',244, '#81001F',245, '#815660',246, '#680019',247, '#68454E',248, '#4F0013',249, '#4F353B',250, '#333333',251, '#505050',252, '#696969',253, '#828282',254, '#BEBEBE',255, '#FFFFFF',"Other");

var keys;
var EntLinetypekey = '';

// Get the key for the entity line type.
if (!isempty($feature.EntLinetype)) {
    EntLinetypekey = concatenate(['style-',Lower(replace($feature.EntLinetype,' ','-'))]);
    keys = keys + EntLinetypekey + ";";

//modify EntLinetype color
keys += 'po:EntLinetype|Color|';
keys += _color;

//modify EntLinetype line width
// Return string of keys.
return keys;


When testing this out the portion for changing the line color is not functioning and I haven't begun to tackle the line type portion or the on/off functionality.