I have been using ArcGIS Pro 3.2.2. I have two vector files (polygons). One of them contain information of 12 land use classes and another have information about different elevation points.
I have been trying with the Spatial Join tool to find out the land uses within the range of different elevation points (e.g. less than or equal to 330m, >330 to <-660m and >660m). It gives me output attribute table (CS6_3Altitude_LandUse) for all the different elevation points. But I want the presence of the different land uses within the specified elevation range.
How can I get the attribute table as requested and what specific tool to be used for this?
NOTE: I used "Join one to One" as Join Operation and "Intersect" as Match operation. Elevation points are extracted from the DEM.
Thanks in advance.
The way this is set up doesn't really lend itself to a spatial join operation. I think you need to start by envisioning what the output you want at the end of this - how are you going to use it? if your elevation polygons cover the same area as the land use polygons, this might be as simple as running an intersect between the two, then finding a way to classify by both land use and the elevation zones. If these polygon feature classes cover unequal areas then this starts to get a little more complicated.
Here's a 12 year old blog post about overlay using Intersect vs. Spatial Join that should help you solve this problem.