I have ZERO experience with ArcPy, Arcade expressions... yadda yadda. I basically limp along until something magically works and I'm a huge fan of Copy/Paste. THAT SAID, I'm dipping my toe into something that I thought would be easy...
I have a bunch of campgrounds, and these are in some parks. I want to give them sequential values based on sorting the PARK_NAME field alphabetically. Using Python 3 in Field Calculator, "Sequential Number" will only assign sequential values based on the Object ID field - it doesn't care how I've sorted it.
How do I tell it to use my sorted field instead of the Object ID? Help!
Lulz. Not an option! I have a bunch of feature layers to iterate through and give unique IDs to. With the Enterprise geodatabase, this happens OFTEN with scripts - my coworker suspects that it's failing because it's wanting to know WHICH version to edit. Built in tools never seem to have this issue.
probably the case, I don't work in or on the Enterprise, so there is only 1 version (except for backups) and 1 editor. That is what the expensive software is expected to handle. I couldn't even test in all environments and configurations... so whatever gets written in one night goes out the door
Understand! Bummertown. Thank you for sticking it out and helping, though.
Does the following work for you when the table is in your EGDB?
from itertools import count, groupby
from operator import itemgetter
tbl = # path to table
case_fields = ["PARK_NAME", "OJBECTID"]
increment_field = ["CampgroundID"]
sql_orderby = "ORDER BY {}".format(", ".join(case_fields))
with arcpy.da.UpdateCursor(
case_fields + increment_field,
sql_clause=(None, sql_orderby)
) as cursor:
counter = count()
case_func = itemgetter(*(cursor.fields.index(fld) for fld in case_fields))
for key, group in groupby(cursor, case_func):
for row in group:
cursor.updateRow(list(key) + ["{:0>3}".format(next(counter))])
Thank you, the tool has solved the issue of the task I'm working on.
I had the same issue and finally found the script to create sequential values NOT based on ObjectID but related to any other defined column here: https://mediaspace.esri.com/media/t/1_1fkt56w1