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Share/Overwrite Table Truncating at 850000 Records

11-03-2023 05:38 AM
Labels (2)
Emerging Contributor

We push data from our SQL database to AGOL using the Share Table and Overwrite Table function in ArcGIS Pro. When we do this, the published table in AGOL is truncated to only the first 850,000 rows. Does anyone know if there is a cap on that feature? If we publish as a web layer, all rows are uploaded, but since it is a table, ArcGIS Pro won't allow us to use the replace function.

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4 Replies
MVP Esteemed Contributor

Sounds like quite the process! I've never heard of a row limit on sharing/overwriting, but we admittedly don't have any tables as big as this.

Do all the rows of the table actually change on a given update? Using the append method should give you the option of identifying update rows based on a shared ID between source and destination.

- Josh Carlson
Kendall County GIS
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Emerging Contributor

We'll definitely try the append option. This is the first big upload we're performing. The data works really well in our AGOL dashboards and maps, the problem is getting it up there.

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Esri Esteemed Contributor


I would try a truncate/append method instead.  See the following document.

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Emerging Contributor

I think this could work for us. We'll need to figure out how to specific that times are EST and not UTC, but I'll give the method a try and see if it works for us.

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