Help me solve the following problem!
I need to get a mesh of 3D surface. But I am a beginner to use ArcGIS Pro, and therefore do not understand what steps I need to do in order to convert the surface in the mesh, and then export the mesh in json.
I would appreciate any - help.
can you do this in ArcMap? I wouldn't start in Pro if you are just getting started since full functionality is not there
Unfortunately I need to do it in ArcGIS Pro. And, unfortunately with ArcMap, I also never worked. You can give a hint how it can be done in ArcMap?
sorry I thought you were trying to replicate a workflow. I havent seen any tools for producing a 3D mesh in Arc*. You would have some success using the matplotlib and numpy or scipy, but that would just produce the graphical representation and not a spatially referenced data structure. I didn't see anything on ArcGIS Code Sharing but you might have a look around (mesh and wireframe keywords returned nothing however)
Thanks for the help.