I’m trying to build a custom dictionary using https://www.esri.com/arcgis-blog/products/arcgis-pro/mapping/create-custom-dictionary-styles-for-arcgis/. I’m starting small with two frames and icons in addition to the “Invalid Point” and “Icon Off” I left from my copy of Mil-STD-2525D. After deleting the dictionary script in DB browser everything flags as “no a valid JSON”.
I kept my script as simple as I could -- return ($feature.FrameKey + “;” + $feature.IconKey + “;”)
My test data has columns named FrameKey and IconKey with valid keys.
My dictionary definition is also striped down to just {“symbol”: [“FrameKey”, “IconKey”]}
When I select my dictionary I have only the Symbology fields and an empty Text fields section. I have tried adding empty and even placeholder text and configuration field entries with no change. My symbols just don’t display.
Am I misunderstanding how to link a feature’s attributes with the data definition/script entries or possibly something else entirely?
I’m working on a closed network using ArcGIS Pro 2.4.1 with an advanced license and extensions 3D Analyst, network analyst, and Spatial Analyst. Do we need another extension to use a custom dictionary style?
Thanks in advance for any help you can provide.