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Report: Select features in map

09-22-2023 06:10 AM
Occasional Contributor


Is it possible to higlight the affected object in the map? I see all the features selected for the report as selected items. Would also be nice to be able to set the affected object into a definition query, to only see this one in the map.

A previewmode would speedup the design process of the report a bit, otherwise I always have to export the report and that takes a long time.



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2 Replies
Esri Contributor

Hi @MarkusWall1!

Thanks for your feedback. We also discussed this with you through our early adopter user forum, so I'm pretty much going to copy and paste what I said there, in case others have questions.

We agree that a preview would be nice, we know it takes too long to export every time you need to check something. We are actively working on this and there is an associated enhancement logged through Support. You can contact them to "watch" it and you'll be notified when it's made it into software: ENH-000154589.

The second part--highlighting the specific features in the map, that is upcoming as well, just like preview. If you contact Support for the preview enhancement, you could potentially log this as an enhancement as well. We are tracking this internally, but a Support enhancement would let you track it as well. Just let them know you've spoken to the development team and they asked you to submit it. I can never guarantee a release, but we are at least hoping for both of these items (preview and report query) to be included in Pro 3.3.

Thanks again!

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New Contributor

Hi Alycia,

thanks for adding the funcionality to bring the selection symbology to the report output, it works great.

Can you also add the functionality to the GP-tool Export Report To PDF, because we use a Model with some GP-Tools to generate a single PDF-file per selected feature.

We add the so generated PDF-files as attachment to the features, so we can provide them to our users over ArcGIS Enterprise (as long as the server is not able to generate reports by itself).



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