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Rename Tables

04-25-2021 03:55 PM
Labels (1)
New Contributor


I have a question regarding renaming a table. I imported lots of tables from Excel with "Excel to Table". But I need to rename them in a few Days. As far as I know I can rename the tables in the Table of Content but the names stay the same in catalog. Is there any problem that the names in catalog stay the old ones? The geoprocessing-tools all use the names from the table of content as it looks.


Hope it is understandable, hard to write this in english.

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5 Replies
MVP Esteemed Contributor

There is "rename", then there is "rename"

Rename a table—ArcGIS Pro | Documentation

Rename (Data Management)—ArcGIS Pro | Documentation

One is visual and one creates a new version with the new name.

What one do you want to use?

... sort of retired...
MVP Regular Contributor

You can also rename them in catalog, just like you would in the table of contents.

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MVP Alum

What you see in Catalog pane, is the physical location of the table and the table itself.

What you see in Table of Content (ToC), is a layer referencing the path of the table (like hyperlink; where the text and actual path could be different). 

When you change the name in ToC, it changes the name of the layer, not the name of the table itself.

As already mentioned by Dan and Luke, you may rename the table from Catalog manually or using "Rename a table" geoprocessing tool.

After renaming the table, if you add it to ToC, you can see the new TableName in ToC as well.

Think Location
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New Contributor

Okay thanks for you answers! When I rename the table in Catalog the "link" to the ToC doesnt work anymore. I guess theres no other way to fix this than reimport the table or give it a new source in properties.

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MVP Alum

The link breaks because the file path changes after the table is renamed. You can repair the broken link in ToC.

Think Location
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