Can you set the symbology reference scale based on the DDP/Map Series scale? ( I believe this old question post in Enterprise is something similar).
Essentially, I want to make a DDP that has various scales between pages. On these pages, I need to show points and lines, but they are either way too small or way too big if they are at one scale.
Is there a way to force symbology to change size based off of scale? I am not trying to do the typical scale-based symbology where things are only viewable at a certain scale, just change how big things are.
If you remove the reference scale from your map, the symbology will draw at the same size at all scales. Depending on your goal, that might be as effective as changing the reference scale for each page in the series.
If you want different size symbols for different scales you can configure scale-based symbol sizing. Labels can also be configured with scale-based font sizes.