Versions 3.1 and newer (I believe). Currently running it on 3.1.3, but the issue is also present on 3.2, we attempted to backdate to avoid the bug.
Hello! I am working on landcover classifications on ArcGIS pro. On software versions before 3.1 I was able to classify imagery and hand reclassify "within a region" using the classification tools under the imagery tab with no issues until we updated ArcGIS pro.
The problem: Now when using the "Reclassifier" tool the first set of classes works just fine, but when switching to a new set of classes the first polygon will change also. For example I change a section from water to wet substrate, that works fine. Then in the same layer I want to change a different area from saltmarsh to water (the polygons do not overlap, as I know this is an issue within the same layer), the polygon I drew changes correctly but the saltmarsh in the first polygon also changes to water. I tried running the reclassifier to see if it was just a glitch but the problem remains. It works fine if you stick to the same class types the whole time within a layer, but it is making the project painfully slow compared to when we had no problems. I am currently making a new layer every time I have to switch to different class types to get around the problem, though I am hoping its a bug Esri could fix.
First picture shows after the first successful reclassified polygon (water changed to wet substrate), and the location of the second polygon I am trying to change from saltmarsh to water.
Second picture is the result after I complete the second polygon. See how the first polygon is also affected.
Has anyone else experienced this? I tried to submit a big to ESRI but they said they were unable to recreate the issue. Thanks in advance
This tool straight up does not work and I have never known it to work. Possibly it worked in 3.0, but I'm not sure. It certainly does not work at all in version 3.1 and later.