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Raster attributes will symbolize using "classify" but not using "stretch"

01-11-2023 12:23 PM
Labels (1)
New Contributor

I am mapping topsoil pH in Pro, using this authoritative ArcGIS Online Image Service (this is from the Harmonized World Soil Database):

The raster has a single band, and the default values shown are the unique ID assigned to the soil group. The raster contains a variety of attributes, such as "Topsoil pH" and "Topsoil Organic Carbon". When I try to symbolize the raster by stretch, there is no option to symbolize by these fields; I can only symbolize based on the unique ID. However, if I use the "classify" symbology option, the "Field" dropdown allows me to choose these fields. 

I would like to be able to symbolize "Topsoil pH" with a stretch symbology, and not be limited to binning. 

Below are screenshots which might help explain the issue. 


Fields can be selected above. 


Fields cannot be selected using the stretch option


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