I am running ArcGIS Pro 2.7
I walked away from my computer, no geoprocessing events running, just a dormant moment.
When I returned, this window had popped up
Don't know what it is or what triggered it, but can't make it stop without breaking the program. I don't think I would lose too much work, if any, but I'd like to identify what caused it and how to not repeat this interruption. Thanks in advance
Do you host any previously used locators on a different machine? Wondering if a temporary service disruption there would cause some kind of automatic refresh in an otherwise dormant client session.
Very strange though!
One question - how many Locators have you (or your administrator) set up for your ArcGIS Online/Portal? For my Locators in the Catalog, I have 3 by default I believe.
I'm having the same problem. Pro 2.7, with the latest patch installed today. Loading locators randomly popped open and I cannot close it, or do anything else in Pro. I'm 30 points in to a very challenging georeference and having to kill the program will be very very painful.
I did not have any Locators running except the default ArcGIS Online one. I was not even doing locator work at the time, but I did have to kill Pro unfortunately. I have not had this same problem again, though. Nathan_T I feel your pain!
Everytime I do something this comes up and slows things down. How do I remove the Locators so this doesn't happen?