Query features within 3 days, model or script

09-19-2019 11:06 AM
New Contributor III

I have two large datasets: points and polygons.  Both have a date field, and a date range of about 6 weeks.


I need to find which points have an intersecting polygon with a date of +/– 3 days.  I then need the point feature class’ attribute calculated to add a “Y” (for future charting purposes).


Doing this without the +-3 days part was easy (Select by Location, Calculate Field).

Doing this manually was not hard either (Select by Attribute then make a point layer for day 1, Select by Attribute then make a polygon layer for the +/-3 days, Select by Location, Calculate Field).

Since I have 45 unique days to test, I would rather make a model or a script to automate this process.


I know how to create models, and have some Python knowledge, but I have no idea how to create a model with a query and iterator for the +-3 days part (or how to write in a Python script).

Anyone have an idea?  Thanks for the advice!

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