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Publishing image service with stretched symbology

09-20-2022 05:42 AM
Labels (2)
Frequent Contributor

I have published an image service using a raster dataset with a 32 bit floating point pixel depth and a raster function template with stretch symbology. The problem I am having is that when I pull the service into a web map, the symbology appears to change to RGB even though the template is being applied. 



I am wandering if this is a bug and if so, is there a workaround because I haven't found one yet. The RGB legend is no good. I need to create an Experience Builder application using this map and I need a valid (dynamic) legend that depicts the max min values in the image.

I have tried to publish the image service with classified symbology, but I still get the same RGB legend! 

I was able to use a user defined renderer in the web map and select a stretch symbology, which produces the correct legend and works as long as a custom color ramp isn't needed. Just curious if I am missing something of if any one else has had a similar issue and found a better solution.

2 Replies
Occasional Contributor

Having the same issue and have yet to find an answer. Seems like an oversight that the industry leader in web GIS would enable you to set up an image service for analysis OR cartography, but not both. 

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Regular Contributor

@FranklinAlexander @JamesGarner Hello, we have had same issue but with Classified renderer on 32bit floating point data. We were able to set up Symbology in ArcMap, save this to a Raster Function Template and apply that to the mosaic dataset in ArcGIS Pro and publish. I first had to rebuild the mosaic in arcmap as compatibility issue (it was built in Pro) ... 

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