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Pro - display only certain classes

12-14-2023 09:24 AM
Frequent Contributor


This is an exceptionally stupid question, so I apologize, but I am beyond caring.

I want to display only certain classes w/in a feature layer. Specifically, I'm working with a shapefile of US cities, and I want to display only the State Capitals to create a minimal basemap. This was super easy in Map. Now, for the life of me, I can't figure out how to do it in Pro, and I can't find any instructions on it either.

I created a manual filter that should have worked, based on "FEATURE = 'State Capital'" but when I applied it, it just removed ALL cities from display, including all of the state capitals.

From the symbology pane, I can Remove All or Regenerate All - there are a number of options that aren't useful, but I can't find any way to just remove "Populated Place" or other categories, for example.

I found a post indicating that I should be able to right click on the class in the symbology pane and remove it - but that functionality isn't there for me. I've tried clicking and right clicking everywhere. That was the first thing I tried.

Thanks for your help.

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4 Replies
Frequent Contributor

@AvaFarouche have you tried setting a definition query? If you right click on the layer in the Contents pane and select Properties there should be an option for Definition Query.



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Frequent Contributor

Thanks, Arielle. Yes, I did. It just made everything disappear.

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Regular Contributor

Hi, there may be a few methods that could work for you, these are my 2 suggestions:

1. Doing a definition query (layer properties->definition query -> "Feature" ='State Capital'

2. For the symbology pane issue, I'd try 'refreshing' by reverting back to single symbology then unique value. Sometimes the remove option isn't available for me either and this was my only solution for it. 

Hope this helps!



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Frequent Contributor

Thanks! Yes, I tried a definition query, just as you suggested, and it made everything disappear, including the capitals. I did try refreshing, as you say, also.

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