Hello ESRI Community,
We are currently working in Parcel Fabric in ArcPro and we’re looking to use a parcel hook symbol. We are looking for a simple 2 point line that will have a hook on one end. The symbology should be line based as that is easier for us to work with, however, if there is a point based solution; that would work well.
The symbol does need to be easily adjustable in terms of line thickness; we are looking for a minimum of a small, medium and large size. At this point, we do not have an ideal line thickness, that will be determined during testing.
I have been able to create a style file in ArcMap with limited success. In ArcMap, I used the ßà predefined arrow line, then gave the line no color, no fill. I manipulated the arrowhead to use an alternate symbol, then added multiple levels with symbology, adjusting the X,Y to create a hook symbol.
It is currently set up to only draw on one end of a line.
It works when imported to Pro, but it is crude. We’re looking for any tips or tricks to create such a symbol for use in ArcPro.
I am using ArcPro 3.1.1 for now and should be upgrading soon.
Thank you,
You can create your own line symbols in ArcGIS Pro as well. Two Technical Support "How To's" listed below will show you a similar workflow:
How To: Create a Custom Linetype with Text Characters in ArcGIS Pro (esri.com)
How To: Create Dashed Line Symbol with Tick Marks in ArcGIS Pro (esri.com)