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Parcel hook symbology - How can I create it in Pro?

12-04-2023 12:40 PM
New Contributor

Hello ESRI Community,

We are currently working in Parcel Fabric in ArcPro and we’re looking to use a parcel hook symbol.  We are looking for a simple 2 point line that will have a hook on one end.  The symbology should be line based as that is easier for us to work with, however, if there is a point based solution; that would work well.

The symbol does need to be easily adjustable in terms of line thickness; we are looking for a minimum of a small, medium and large size.  At this point, we do not have an ideal line thickness, that will be determined during testing.

I have been able to create a style file in ArcMap with limited success.  In ArcMap, I used the ßà  predefined arrow line, then gave the line no color, no fill.  I manipulated the arrowhead to use an alternate symbol, then added multiple levels with symbology, adjusting the X,Y to create a hook symbol.


It is currently set up to only draw on one end of a line.




It works when imported to Pro, but it is crude.  We’re looking for any tips or tricks to create such a symbol for use in ArcPro.

I am using ArcPro 3.1.1 for now and should be upgrading soon.

Thank you,





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1 Reply
Esri Notable Contributor

You can create your own line symbols in ArcGIS Pro as well.  Two Technical Support "How To's" listed below will show you a similar workflow:

How To: Create a Custom Linetype with Text Characters in ArcGIS Pro (

How To: Create Dashed Line Symbol with Tick Marks in ArcGIS Pro (

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