I've got 13 Attribute Rules, all calculations (some grabbing data from another table, some setting a Y/N value, some making data all Upper case, and 4 that are actual math or date calculations), on a feature class. I've done the editing as the data owner, tested, all work as expected. Change the user to the sql authenticated user, tested, they all work as expected. Then I publish the feature class to our Enterprise Server and Portal, grant the permissions needed. Add this feature service to a web map/app, works as expected. When I add the feature service to a Pro project (we have things locked down to minimize oops), one of the 13 AR calculations just does not work, one of the math calculations - and it is to be done before one of the others, so it is done earlier in the order. I have tried with and without auto apply, entering the data in a specific order (it calculates based on one of two fields to be determined based on a domain). When I add the feature class directly to the Pro project, the AR works as expected. I have redone the rule a couple of times, resaved, republished, rinse and repeat.
I have done this process of using a sql authenticated user for a feature service in a web map/app several times in the past, only without Attribute Rules.
This process will also be added to a Survey123 Form in the future, so it needs to work correctly and reliably.
ETA: Pro 3.1.x; some the calculations are all non-editable, they are insert and update, I have checked 'Exclude from Application Evaluation'.
What gives?
Experienced the same situation. Later I had removed all the attribute rules and configured the field maps with arcade expression.
That's a bummer. Glad you found a solution though. However, this project will not be used in the field, so that wouldn't work for my needs - at least to my knowledge. I've not worked with the new field maps yet - only collector, quick capture, and survey123. Although my user doesn't really want a map to be edited, he really wants a form. So maybe I should bark up that tree? But tried it with Survey123 and found a bug that is a show stopper.