Just looking to see if anyone can explain this weird phenomenon. I was trying to export an ArcPro Project Template with a Microsoft Access Database odc connection. However, whenever I would try to export the project I would receive an External Sharing Process failed error. That is the only item in the project that caused the export to fail. Does anyone have any insight as to why that specific connection prevent the project template from being exported?
I went step by step removing one item at a time and that was the only item that caused the export to fail.
Were you following the quickstart tutorial or this?
Create a project template—ArcGIS Pro | Documentation
What message did the Analyzer error give you?
I wasn't following any tutorial, I received no errors from the analyzer.
My settings when saving the project template were as follows:
Save template to file, File was saved on local C drive. With the name "test", Summary and tags were empty.
Include toolboxes was checked, include history items was unchecked. (I also tested with include toolboxes unchecked)
Attachments was blank as well.
The project template exports successfully when toolboxe with two python scripts are added, two arcgis notebooks, 4 geodatabases one local and 3 on a network drive, and 4 folder connections 1 local and 3 on a network drive.
Export only fails when access database odc connection is added
Access database connection added by creating new OLE DB connection, choosing Microsoft Office 16.0 Access Database Engine OLE DB Provider, then specify data source as somewhere on the network drive.