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Network-access to geodatabase very slow

01-21-2025 05:23 AM
Emerging Contributor

Netzwork-access to geodatabase very slow

I need ideas as to why the network connection to the GDB is very slow. Sometimes i feel, I am more waiting than working.

We use a WindowsServer 2020 in the office for data storage. I access it with a laptop in the LAN. The system requirements of the laptop fulfil the requirements of ArcGISPro 3.4. The following problems only occur in the network. As soon as I have the data locally, the system is very performant.
- Access to GDB is slow, the loading symbol constantly appears when you click
- Creating a feature class sometimes takes 60 seconds
- right-clicking on ‘properties’ takes 20 seconds until a result appears
- All accesses to the GDB take a very long time
- The message ‘no feedback’ appears regularly
- All these things also appear in the ArcMap

- it happens only with the GDB. Editing shapes is no problem


Outside the network, our system is completely fine. When I copy data packets in Windows Explorer between laptop and server, I always get 100 Mbps. So it must be some kind of communication between ArcGISPro/ArcMAP and our server and it affects all GIS users in the office

I have already tried the following without success:
- deleted all Folder Connections in the project
- tried from another user profile
- tried from another network connection and network cable
- tried empty GDB
- tried a compressed database
- I also know the extensive workaround with various solutions that can be found here in the forum. Unfortunately it does not help me

I'm afraid there is a problem somewhere in the communication between ESRI products and the data storage on the server. Does anyone know the problem? I don't even know what to tell our IT and where they should perhaps check?

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3 Replies
MVP Notable Contributor

Since you said a laptop, any chance you are connecting with VPN enabled?  If so, you might try to connect without it and see if it helps.

My experience with ArcGIS enterprise data is that it does not play well with VPN.  (or at least, plays very slowly).


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Emerging Contributor

Hi Rhett,
this is something, that i can ask my IT-guy. Actually I am not connetcted via VPN because I am sitting just one floor away from our server. But I know, that there is a VPN-tunnel installed on my machine, which i can switch on or off (which I do in homeoffice). But disabeling the possibility of VPN connections in gereral for my profile is worth a try.

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Regular Contributor

Due to performance issues, I'm actually in the process of remapping everything from our network drive to my local drive. After reading your post, this is what stuck out to me... Might be worth looking into more.

I am the GIS Admin for Iowa Regional Utilities Association.
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