I am trying to use field calculator to move numbers to the front of a value. For example, Apple Dr. 245 to 245 Apple Dr. I have tried a bunch of different python scripts that are AI generated but I can't get it to work. Does anyone know why I could be having issues with this? Here is one script I tried for example:
def move_numbers_to_front(value):
words = value.split()
if len(words) > 1 and words[-1].isnumeric():
return f"{words[-1]} {' '.join(words[:-1])}"
return value
# Usage: move_numbers_to_front(!CableName!)
indentation perhaps
a = "Apple Dr. 245"
def move_numbers_to_front(value):
words = value.split()
if len(words) > 1 and words[-1].isnumeric():
return f"{words[-1]} {' '.join(words[:-1])}"
return value
'245 Apple Dr.'
Unfortunately that didn't work. Thank you though!
Comments like "that didn't work" aren't helpful. If there was an error, what exactly was the error, and provide a traceback if one exists. If there was no error but the results are unexpected, state what you expected and what you got.
Then you might want to provide the error message. Perhaps, you have some null values in the field or other issues with the contents of the field
Yes there are null values in the field. How do I get it to ignore those? The error message is: There was a failure during processing, check the Geoprocessing Results window for details.
a = None
def move_numbers_to_front(value):
if value is None:
words = value.split()
if len(words) > 1 and words[-1].isnumeric():
return f"{words[-1]} {' '.join(words[:-1])}"
return value
did it work? or were there other issues?