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Need help creating multidimensional raster from Sentinel2 L2A images

02-25-2024 11:02 AM
Occasional Contributor

I have downloaded a number of images clipped to my AOI from Sentinel Hub using their python api. Each image has 17 bands (11 spectral and 6 data such as cloud mask), and each image is (I think) a combination of available tiles for a particular observation day (eg 2024-02-01, 2024-02-06,...).

I would like to be able to put these into a multidimensional raster to do analysis, like in this video I can make the datasets, etc, but my "footprints" attributes doesn't have any of the things that the video example uses, like "GroupName", "ProductName", or "Acquisition Date". I don't know where ArcPro is getting that information (each tiff's EXIF? some xml or json metadata file?).

Can anyone provide some guidance?   

The ultimate goal is, for each date, to be able to do use the bands to calculate something like an index, then use another vector layer to zonal statistics.

Learn how to create a multidimensional raster from a collection of images, to use in multidimensional analysis and management tools in ArcGIS Pro. For more information, please visit: ...
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2 Replies
Emerging Contributor


I tried using the data downloaded from ESA Copernicus ( and it looks fine to me. The result has the columns GroupName, ProductName, and AcquistionDate as your concern. 


By any chance, do you have a file with extension .xml or .safe in your downloaded dataset? It seems that ArcGIS Pro uses this metadata when creating mosaic datasets. It looks like in this image





Occasional Contributor

Thanks. I looked at to get my imagery, but ultimately decided to go with sentinel-hub's python api (though the actual api call looks identical, from what I can tell). sentinel hub just sent a tiff and a json copy of the request params, nothing else.

I did manage to get the multidimensional dataset working though. The video wasn't very helpful, but this page ( mentions that you can manually create data to act as the "variable" (I put "spectral" into "ProductName" for example) and I can use calculate field to complete the AcquisitionDate from my filenames. After that, "build multidimensional data" worked fine.

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