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Need advice on one map/multiple layouts in Pro 3.2

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New Contributor III


We are *finally* in the process of Migrating to ArcGIS Pro.  Currently we have numerous thematic maps that are pre-made and ready for staff to open/print for the public.  There is one MXD for each printout size.  (Example - fire district maps, one MXD for 8.5x11, one for 11x17, one for 24x36, one for 40x60).   We have a *ton* of these that I need to convert.

My understanding is that in Pro, you can do this in a single project with one map and many layouts that refer to that one map.  Awesome!

In Pro I imported one map and layout, made everything pretty, then imported the other MXD layouts to bring in the other sizes for that thematic map.  I edited those layouts so that all the elements fit properly.

After I added my third map size, Pro starting running so slow that I can barely do anything.  It acts as if, when I'm viewing one layout, it's also drawing the other layouts too even though they are not active.  If I dare to print a map, it takes at least 10 minutes to print.  One 8.5x11 map still hadn't printed by the time I came back from lunch.  I have rebooted many times and have cleared out the display cache.  I have all the layouts "Paused" except the one I am trying to print; that helped a tiny bit but is clunky and trying to explain that to inexperienced staff is not something I want to tackle if I can avoid it. 

In on Pro 3.2 with patches installed.  The computer has 32 gb RAM. Do I need to make one map for each layout (which, um, defeats the purpose!)  Do I need to go back to having one map/layout in a project, like we did with ArcMap, instead of one Pro project with many layouts? Something else?

IWhat am I missing here?  Huge thanks!

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