Hi all,
I have a basic license for ArcGIS Pro. I want to do the following:
: find the closest point from selected features in one layer to points in another layer.
: create a line between each of the sets of points
: calculate the distance and bearing of each line
I don't have access to the Near tool. Do I have to buy the Advanced version to get access to the Near tool or can you buy individual tools?
Thanks for any help you can provide.
I have a Near as Table variant in
Point Tools for Pro it doesn't use Near, it uses NumPy. Give it a whirl.
I also have code to do the rest, I just have to look around for it.
If you have a sample dataset (anonymized of course) with just the geometry and oid field and whatever else needed, I can see what I have that you don't have with the basic license.
Thanks Ron... something to do this evening
Ron, there is something wrong with the shapefile (the merged on)
Could you make a file geodatabase and copy your source files into it and zip and ship the gdb?
It may be corrupt on transfer since I can't do the copy on my end... It shows up fine, but keeps failing to copy
Nevermind, converted them to points array, then back into geodatabase featureclasses.
Look right?
Yes, that looks right. Sorry for the delay... just got the kids to bed.
A quick demo for the top left grouping
of course with the stuff in the table but you can get an idea
Dont' know if you are still interested, but before I roll out the final copy, everything check out.
Point Tools for Pro updated 2018-05-09
Closest between layers
Closest within layer
Closest within table