I need help!
I'm working with Network Analysis and the StreetMap Premium navigable mesh, in particular, i am performing a "Nearest installation" analysis but I have the following problem: I use a layer of points that are the gas stations as "incidents" and I use another layer of points that are the "Highway Exits" as "facilities", and the idea is to identify which "facilities" are the 2 closest to each "incident".
The problem is the "highway Exits" layer because, although I use the one provided within Esri Streetmap premium, its accuracy is not good because many exits are placed after the junction of the navigable mesh and therefore in those cases it does not generate a route from those exits even if it is the closest to the gas station.
Can you think of how I could improve the analysis to avoid or minimize this error? Of course I know using a more accurate Exits layer, but I don't know where or how to get it.
Is there a way to identify the exact junction that corresponds to each highway exit and thus be able to use that junction selection as facilities in the analysis? Any other idea?

Any help will be welcome, thank you very much!