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Modify shape in multiple layers copied and pasted

06-21-2021 09:11 AM
Labels (1)
Emerging Contributor

I made a feature layer with two boxes to use for clipping rasters.  I copied and pasted it twice, so that I could delete one box from the first copy, then the second box from the other, then clip the rasters with each layer. I think I can do this with selecting each shape in the the original layer (with two boxes), but I have been struggling with how Pro does shape selection differently from Desktop (newly migrated) and thought this would be easier. However, when I went to the pasted layers to delete one or the other box, it deleted the selected box from all three layers, which I did not want. Why did this happen? Are the layers somehow linked? Is there a way to unlink them? In the larger sense, how am I supposed to know that this would happen? It seems very unintuitive and I know for a fact this would not have happened in Desktop. Added to the list of Desktop -> Pro Growing Pains. Thanks in advance for the help!

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2 Replies
MVP Frequent Contributor

How did you select the layers?

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Emerging Contributor

I opened the attribute table for one of the layers, selected one row, saw that it was the highlighted in light blue in the map view, then pressed the Delete key.

Update: Maybe it had something to do with how the copied layers are in the .gdb file? Specifically, I noticed that the ItemIDs in their respective attribute tables were all the same. When I exported the pasted layers, they had new ItemIDs and when I selected one it did not select in another layer. I solved the issue, but would still like to understand the way that Pro organizes these types of functions/data.

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