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Make a personal project template that also creates a new default GDB

03-15-2023 07:09 AM
MVP Regular Contributor

Hi all,

I'd like to set up some Pro templates for the office.

Creating them is easy, but I was dismayed to find that when I created a project off the template I had made, it referenced the original file geodatabase as its default geodatabase.

How can I create a template that creates its own default gdb?


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5 Replies
MVP Notable Contributor

I tested this (personally I tend not to use template projects) and my experience was not the same. If saving a project and using that as the "template" that is the wrong way of doing it. You need to create an APTX file, this is document here and when accessed it created a new default geodatabase and any data within it. My layers were not point back to the original geodatabase. So I'm going to guess you tripped up on something?

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MVP Regular Contributor

I was using a template file, not Saving-As.

I'll give it another shot and see what's up. Using Pro 2.9, for reference.

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MVP Notable Contributor

I'm using 3.1, may be time to upgrade, there are many benefits such as bug fixes and new functionality.

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MVP Regular Contributor

Okay, so I tried it again.

This attempt made a correct default GDB, but still had a connection to the original (See Below, Original = "Template Work"). I tried deleting the original before creating a new project, and while the new project does not recreate the old gdb, it still has the reference, which is super annoying.


I'm also having the issue where the template is acting like a normal project package and recreating all the data, even though it is maintaining and using the original references to the data's location on a network drive.


I do not want this. 

Is there a way to create a template that doesn't duplicate data?

It looks like it's doing this because the originals are stored in file GDBs, rather than on an enterprise GDB. Is there a way to get around this without moving the data or switching the layers' sources before creating the template?

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