Hi my students and I are using ArcGIS Pro in an introductory class. We are following this assignment https://pro.arcgis.com/en/pro-app/latest/get-started/author-a-map.htm When they get to the Bookmark section and try and use the locator to find a spot nothing happens. This also happens to me, even outside the assignment. Typing something into the box and pressing return does nothing. I tried to navigate to the location file but it says it is empty. Not sure where to find what I (and my students need).
Any help appreciated.
It seems that you cannot connect to the ArcGIS World Geocoding Service
Problem: ArcGIS World Geocoding Service does not display in ArcGIS Pro (esri.com)
Thank you DavidPike, that seems to be exactly the problem, and I will follow the directions to the link (which I did not find searching for my problem) to see if I can't fix it!
Ok, this seems to be part of the problem but when I follow the directions I'm missing the option to turn on the box I need to activate. See attached, the instructions, and what I see. Sigh.
Yeh sorry, that link is probably quite old. If you go to the 'Utility Services' tab, is ArcGIS World Geocoding listed under 'Geocoding'?
Heres another link - Can't access World Geocoder Service in ArcGIS Pro - GeoNet, The Esri Community
I'd recommend contacting esri support in the meantime, can't do any harm.
So I tried this (had done it before actually but that didn't solve my problem either!) If I try to connect to the server with the provided address I get the following error
Craziness, but I wanted to say Thank you and I fixed it. The fix was the usual sort of infuriatingly simple computer issue. So I decided to give the connections to a new arcgis online server a go one more time. I put in the same address as above, and then before accepting I added an S after the http. It worked, and I was able then to go to settings in locator and sort it all out. Don't know if it sticks, but I have a solution.
Thank you for sticking with me on this.
Not sure I helped at all, but glad it worked out (and continues to work out for your students).
Well you're journey to locate has continued to help others; I was having a very hard time figuring this out and was just a day away from making our own Locator.
Saved me a few hours work! Thanks:D