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Loading NetCDF files as Multidimensional Rasters in ModelBuilder

04-06-2023 10:59 AM
Labels (3)
New Contributor

I am running into the same issue as this user did on StackOverflow:

Incorporating Add Data step in ModelBuilder for ArcGIS Pro to create multidimensional raster from Ne...

I have dozens of NetCDF files that have weather data as their variable, with dimensions of (lat,lon,date). I want to load these as mutlidimensional raster files into ArcGIS's ModelBuilder, if possible. I can do this manually with no issue by going to Add Data > Multidimensional Raster Layer in the Map tab. There is no way to do this in the ModelBuilder utility that I can see. Can anyone recommend a workaround to save me some time?

Edit: I am trying to use this tool in ModelBuilder:

Make NetCDF Raster Layer (Multidimension)—ArcGIS Pro | Documentation

Iterate Files (ModelBuilder)—ArcGIS Pro | Documentation

I am using the Iterate Files tool to load in all of the NetCDF files from a directory, but the Make Multidimension Raster tool does not recognize these files as multidimensional when directed as an input to the multidimensional raster.

When I manually select a file in the same directory in the Make Multidimension Raster tool directly, then they all populate and work flawlessly.

Below: Iterate File puts out only NETCDF files. Make Multidimension Raster tool does not accept it.


Now when I instead select an input raster directly from the same directory, the command works flawlessly.

2023-04-06 (2).png

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2 Replies
MVP Esteemed Contributor

The only mention of iterator and netcdf in modelbuilder comes in this link

Iterate Layers (ModelBuilder)—ArcGIS Pro | Documentation

under Workspace Type.... NetCDF—Layers in a NetCDF workspace will be iterated

... sort of retired...
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New Contributor

Thanks Dan, I will give the Iterate Layers tool a closer look!



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