I am running into the same issue as this user did on StackOverflow:
I have dozens of NetCDF files that have weather data as their variable, with dimensions of (lat,lon,date). I want to load these as mutlidimensional raster files into ArcGIS's ModelBuilder, if possible. I can do this manually with no issue by going to Add Data > Multidimensional Raster Layer in the Map tab. There is no way to do this in the ModelBuilder utility that I can see. Can anyone recommend a workaround to save me some time?
Edit: I am trying to use this tool in ModelBuilder:
Make NetCDF Raster Layer (Multidimension)—ArcGIS Pro | Documentation
Iterate Files (ModelBuilder)—ArcGIS Pro | Documentation
I am using the Iterate Files tool to load in all of the NetCDF files from a directory, but the Make Multidimension Raster tool does not recognize these files as multidimensional when directed as an input to the multidimensional raster.
When I manually select a file in the same directory in the Make Multidimension Raster tool directly, then they all populate and work flawlessly.
Below: Iterate File puts out only NETCDF files. Make Multidimension Raster tool does not accept it.
Now when I instead select an input raster directly from the same directory, the command works flawlessly.
The only mention of iterator and netcdf in modelbuilder comes in this link
Iterate Layers (ModelBuilder)—ArcGIS Pro | Documentation
under Workspace Type.... NetCDF—Layers in a NetCDF workspace will be iterated
Thanks Dan, I will give the Iterate Layers tool a closer look!