Hi There,
I'm trying to create a Vector Tile Package (.vtpk) in ArcGIS Pro 2.5 using ESRI's vector tile base map. Unfortunately, it gives me the following error;
ERROR 001852: Layer type is not supported for vector tile packages
Just wondering why this layer is not supported or is this something wrong with the tool (Create Vector Tile Package) itself.
I'm an administrator with a full ArcGIS Online subscription.
Please, any assistance regarding this will be highly appreciated.
001852: Layer type is not supported for vector tile packages.—Help | Documentation
Any chance that you have layers that aren't point, polyline, polygon or multipoint visible in the map?
Turn off the visibility of unsupported layers in the map's Contents pane or remove them from the map.
Hello Dan,
Thank you for responding to this.
I have only one layer in the map's content pane which is esri's vector base map.
Can't we use esri's vector base maps to create a vector tile package?
can't seem to find a definitive answer, so I will say... I guess not
Hi, I am getting the same error. Did you by any chance get the solution to this?
I am also having the exact issue. I have a map file in ArcGIS pro with one layer, the default World Topographical Map and I would like to generate a Vector map using the ' Create Vector Tile Package' tool but I get this error:
ERROR 001852: Layer type is not supported for vector tile packages.
Esri's documentation states, "Vector tiles can be created from any map or basemap in ArcGIS Pro". https://pro.arcgis.com/en/pro-app/3.1/help/mapping/map-authoring/author-a-map-for-vector-tile-creati...
It would be nice to get some clarity on why this is not so.