I'm recreating a diorama step by step from a Youtube video.
My problem is as following: I copy and paste and layer (Extract by Mask) and drop one copy to the Elevation Surface>Ground layer. It makes everything go blank. If I turn on additional layers, there is a blank (white) space where the layers should be. The strange thing is my first time doing this project, there was no issue. I had to recreate the project from scratch due to a completely unrelated program. But when I tried this again, it only became a roadblock. I updated Pro, recreated the project under different names, and restarted my computer. I even bought a new laptop (I had to anyway). Same issue....just blank space...
Here is the link to the video: How to Make this 3D Diorama of the Straits of Mackinac (youtube.com) At 3:48 is when the process in question begins.
Thanks in advance.
sounds like an insufficient hardware issue. what is your hardware and are you on your SSD or via a network.
It's a new Dell laptop and I'm using an internet network.
Processor: AMD Ryzen 7 7730U with Radeon Graphics 2.00 GHz
Installed RAM: 16.0 GB (15.3 GB usable)
System type: 64-bit operating system, x64-based processor
the integrated graphics chip set is very likely the cause cause of your issue. Typically found in laptops.
Honestly these are more intended for things like email and social media and office software like word or excel
You can try clearing your browser history and set up cache for your gis
I did come across this link in the ESRI Community to "Verify your computer's ability to run ArcGIS Pro: https://links.esri.com/run-arcgis-pro-33x.
My new laptop passes. But there are three (!) instead of a check would be. Perhaps this gives a better indication of the issue? I attached a PDF of the results.