I have a a default project that I use to copy over each time I want a new fresh start. Reason I do this is I have all the layers I want set up as well as all the folders and notes in the project location to make it much easier. There is a layer file that points to a shapefile in a set location that I want to keep there.
When I copy the project, everything links just fine (all but the layer file are on SDE), all except the one layer file. I look at the source link and it's always appending the new folder location to the existing path and why it breaks. I want to keep this source file in the same location as it often gets updated. Everytime I export the layer to a *.lyrx, I don't see any option to keep the file source path relative at all.
Is there anyway to prevent this from happening to the layer file as I laways have to relink the broken link?
Original source I want to keep for the shapefile the layer links to:
New source layer that appends the new name which I don't want when copying the project over: