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Layer Caching — How does Pro know when data was last updated?

05-09-2024 07:47 PM
Honored Contributor

ArcGIS Pro 2.9.5; Oracle 18c 10.7.1 EGDB:

I have a linear referencing Route Event Layer.

  • 3,000 roads/routes in an M-enabled FC.
  • 20,000 events in a table.
  • There are attribute indexes on the ID fields.

The layer takes 10 seconds to refresh when I zoom in & out in the map.

The properties are set to the default caching option:

Keep the cache between sessions. Invalidate the cache when the data is updated.


How does Pro know when the data was last updated, and the cache needs to be refreshed?

1 Reply
Honored Contributor


  1. A user other than me could have edited the data since the last cache.
  2. Editor tracking is enabled for both the FC and the table. Does Pro compare the max editor tracking date/time against the last cache date?
  3. As far as I know, there isn't an OOTB Oracle mechanism to determine the last DML time of a table.
  4. It doesn't seem like much caching is being done in Pro with the Route Event Layer. 10 seconds is a long time to wait for a layer to load.
  5. The Diagnostic Monitor logs suggest nothing is being cached.Bud_0-1715391265193.png

Is there anything I can do to make it cache better to improve performance?

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