When setting the isvisible property a table frame field using CIM, ArcPro will not honor False, only True. The Table Frame is referenced in the layout via a map. The layer in the map is a feature class in a file geodatabase.
Pro Version: 3.2.0
aprx = arcpy.mp.ArcGISProject("CURRENT")
mapTable = aprx.listMaps('Tables')[0]
mapTableLayout = aprx.listLayouts('CU Tables')[0]
otherTableElem = mapTableLayout.listElements("MAPSURROUND_ELEMENT", "otherTableFrame")[0]
otherTableCIM = otherTableElem.getDefinition('V3')
if hasattr(otherTableCIM, "fields"):
fieldNames = [elm.name.lower() for elm in otherTableCIM.fields]
if "acres" in fieldNames:
for field in otherTableCIM.fields:
if field.name.lower() == 'acres':
field.isVisible == True # This will update the visibility. False will not have an effect.