Description of the Problem: In ArcGIS Pro 3.3, it is no longer possible to split polygons (using the Split tool) in a service when a layer is included twice with different symbologies. In Layer A, polygons can be split, but in Layer B, polygons cannot be split (identical source, different symbology). Layer B is displayed beneath Layer A. Importantly, we are using branch versioning, so editing on the desktop is exclusively done through a service (not directly via the data source).
Error Messages: "Splitting features failed."
Steps to Reproduce:
- Set Layer B as the only selectable and editable layer.
- Start an edit session.
- Select a polygon in Layer B.
- Choose the Split tool.
- Split the polygon using the line tool.
- The error message "Splitting features failed" appears.
Expected Behavior: The selected polygon in Layer B should be split successfully.
Actual Behavior: The selected polygon in Layer B is not split, and the error message "Splitting features failed" is displayed.
Troubleshooting Attempts: We tested publishing the service with only Layer B (Layer A was removed). In the test service, the selected polygon in Layer B can be split without any error. However, this is not a practical solution since both layers are required in the service.