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Is it possible to add a map series to a MAP (not a layout) in ArcGIS Pro?

11-08-2021 07:53 AM
Frequent Contributor

I would like to add a whole bunch of bookmarks from features to an ArcPro map. The ArcPro instructions indicate this is only possible for layouts?

Thank you,

Randy McGregor

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11 Replies
MVP Alum

Hello @RandyMcGregor3 

You could try creating the bookmarks for each page in your map series, export them, and then import them into the map view.

Amanda Bishop, GISP
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Frequent Contributor

Deleted 2 posts because they resulted from me being confused about how these things work. I think I see how this works now. It does not seem to be possible to export a spatial bookmark series - created from features - as a bookmark file. Only bookmarks can be exported this way. I think that, in order to load bookmarks into a layout, I need to create them in the map first, otherwise the layout doesn't 'see' them as bookmarks it can load.

Just wondering if there is a way to load 1,500 features directly into a map without having to do it one at a time. I need to update a large number of features. I suppose I could load them into a layout, zoom to each, then activate the map for editing, return to layout, zoom to next feature, activate map again...

If I'm missing something here, that would not be the first time. 

MVP Alum

Quick question... the features you are zooming to for the bookmarks... do they have some common boundary or grid that could be used to create the map series?  This would help skip the step of zooming to each one individually.

Amanda Bishop, GISP
0 Kudos
Frequent Contributor

Thanks for your message. They are points, but could be buffered. I can create a map series from the points easily. Just can't export to a bookmark file to load into a map. 

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MVP Alum

You can use the Map Series... just export it and import it into another map if necessary. 

Amanda Bishop, GISP
0 Kudos
Frequent Contributor

If I'm being thick, I apologize, but I just seen an option to export a series of maps as a bound pdf or separate pdfs, not a bookmark file.


0 Kudos
MVP Alum

OK my apologies.  I guess its a bookmark map series.  Check this out: 

Amanda Bishop, GISP
0 Kudos
Frequent Contributor

Thanks! I believe you need to make a bookmark series after you have placed the bookmarks in the map, and there does not appear to be a way to do that with multiple features at once. This is disappointing, because I often want to put down a very large number of bookmarks from multiple locations in order to iterate through and check / edit them. I appreciate your help and information here. 

MVP Alum

You're welcome.  I help when I can.  You may want to do some google searches for a programmatic way to set this up.  Maybe even the use of models?  I am going to tag a very knowledgeable guy to this post... see if he can help.

@DanPatterson  anything you can add to this?

Amanda Bishop, GISP