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HTML coding

05-30-2019 12:28 PM
Occasional Contributor

My question relates to HTML coding. I make a lot of maps that show the chemical makeup of groundwater samples. In Desktop, I copy cells from an excel table and paste it as a graphic in an mxd. Generally, the graphic has 2 columns. The left column is the chemical abbreviation and the right column is a number. If the number exceeds a specific value, I make the number bold and sometimes highlight it. I'm trying to figure out how to include the HTML language in the excel table and then join the table to my feature class. Once joined, I will use the label feature and adjust as necessary. Attached is an example of what the final product needs to look like. Does anyone have any examples or thoughts?

Tags (2)
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10 Replies
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If you can clarify for me a bit, perhaps I can help you.  Are you wanting to embed the HTML in your Excel? Are you trying to highlight and/or bold the content of the cell using HTML?

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Chris, I would like to add the HTML coding within each highlighted/bolded cell. That way, when I join the excel table to my feature class and then label each point location, the HTML will make the text appear with the bold/highlight. For example, what little I know about HTML....If I enter "&lt;1.0" in a cell, it will display "<1.0" on my map after I chose the label field that contains that coding.

FYI...I'm trying to learn HTML coding since Pro does not support pasting graphics onto a map.

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Ok, so in your cells you will use the CONCAT function to string together your HTML formatting, like so:

=CONCAT("<b>", some value ,"</b>")

where some value could be text or a reference to another cell in your spreadsheet.  You could even get fancy and put conditions around the formatting such that it would only apply if those conditions are met.

Let me know if that is what you are looking for.

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Occasional Contributor

Chris, Do you know what the HTML code would be to highlight the cell? Is that even possible since it's technically not a cell? Please refer to the pdf I attached to the original post. I have the <bol>, <clr>, <fnt>, etc... nailed down. Just highlighting an entire cell has me baffled. I very much appreciate you help!

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Ah for that bit you actually need to add a little bit of CSS styling into the tag 

=CONCAT("<b style=""background-color:powderblue;"">", some value ,"</b>") 

The tricky bit here is to make sure that you double your double quotes for the style portion.  Normally you wouldn't need to do that, but since you are having Excel create a literal string that has quotes in it, you have to escape them.

Occasional Contributor


For whatever reason, either ESRI or my browser will not allow me to upload the attached jpg, so I’m emailing it to you. As you can see in the jpg, the coding you sent is not working properly. Any thoughts?


Thomas York, GIS Manager

P: 717-525-2571

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It looks like the code is not being interpreted and is being output as a literal text string.  I've not messed with HTML inside Pro, I was just going off my web development background.  Let me experiment a bit and see if I can get it to work.

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Occasional Contributor

Pro picks up the etc… coding. I’m wondering if there is a “ or ‘ in the wrong place. I tried lots of variations and couldn’t get it to work. Thank you for your help!!!


Thomas York, GIS Manager

P: 717-525-2571

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Regular Contributor

I apologize, I have led you astray.  I should have thought about your OP more carefully before I answered. 

The formatting you want to accomplish needs to be done as a label expression.  You can do all sorts of neat things with it, but idea would go like this in Arcade: 

"<CLR red="255">" + $feature.OBJECTID + "</CLR>"

This bit of code would make the field (objectid) I pulled from my data set red.  You can see the full list of text formatting tags and how they work here:

You can also use it to build up conditions so that IF a value is greater that x, do this IF NOT do that.

All that is covered here:

Again I'm sorry for sending you down the wrong path initially, hopefully this will get you back on the right one.

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