How to use Merge/Split Policy in ArcPro 3.3.1?

08-09-2024 07:23 AM
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MVP Notable Contributor


So after completing an ESRI online training course it made me think about the split/merge policies you apply to domains. This is something I have never done and today I started to explore these capabilities, so maybe in some future data capture project I will be working smarter.

I seem to have failed!

I don't know if this is a bug in ArcPro or I have simply got the wrong end of the stick and misunderstood.  I provide the geodatabase in a zip file with everything set up for you to see if I have missed something obvious.

  • I created a polyline feature class.
  • Populated feature class with 2 polylines, they are snapped to their endpoints
  • Added a SHORT field and set both to a value of 1.
  • Create a domain where split is to duplicate and merge is to sum values, I show this below.


  • I assign the domain to the code field.
  • Go into edit mode select both polylines and choose the merge tool then run the merge


  • The merge of the geometries works as expected but the code field returns 1 when I was expecting to see 2, what did I do wrong? Same result if I merge to existing or New feature.






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