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How to suggest an idea about the Esri documentation feedback form

01-06-2024 12:12 AM
Honored Contributor

(This post was moved from Community Feedback Questions to ArcGIS Pro Questions by Jesse Cloutier.)

I want to submit an idea to the Esri documentation team.


When submitting feedback about the docs...



...give me the option of sending a copy of the email to myself. For example, add a "Send me a copy" checkbox to the form, since I'm already providing my email address anyway for possible follow-up.


Often, when I submit feedback, I don't hear back right away and I wonder what happened to the message I sent. If I had an email copy of the message, then at least I'd have a record of the feedback I submitted. In the future, if I come across the same issue in the docs again, I could refer to my emails to see if I already sent feedback about it or not. That would prevent me from sending the same feedback multiple times. And, in general,  it would just be handy to have a record of the feedback I sent.

How can I submit an idea to the Esri documentation team?

3 Replies
Honored Contributor

Another idea:
A checkbox for "Request response" or "Notify me of outcome".

Reason: Most of the time, we don't get a response to feedback, even if we include our email address. That's a disincentive when it comes to submitting future feedback. If we think feedback isn’t heard, then we might not submit future feedback. But if we got a notification saying, "We have received your feedback, however, a decision has been made to leave the documentation as-is at this time, due to x." That would be better than not receiving any response, and assuming our feedback was a poor use of time.

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Honored Contributor

It seems my question is being passed around to various groups, and no one knows quite what to do with it.

  1. I posted this question on the Community Feedback page.
  2. It was moved to the ArcGIS Pro Questions page. No answer here.
  3. I submitted an Esri Canada Support case.
  4. They passed me on to their Esri rep.
  5. The rep has suggested that I post an idea. 
  6. Support closed the case.
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Esri Community Moderator

@Bud while the idea isn't specific to ArcGIS Pro, you can go ahead and submit it in the Pro idea exchange - give it the Documentation & Help label. We can track demand for it there.

Thank you for your diligence in getting things submitted correctly!

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