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how to set many-to-many relation?

03-15-2020 03:34 PM
New Contributor


I'm using ArcGIS Pro   

I have connected between 'LandParcel' and 'TenantID' table by 'many-to-many' relationship

I created relation class between them. However, it didn't work well.

I tried to put primary and foreign key differently, but it failed.

When I add to new relationship in 'edit' window, new window indicated that 'there was invalid foreign key value'

How can I put correct set-up and build rule between them?

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2 Replies
Esri Notable Contributor

One thing to check in a M:M relationship class with a Primary Key is it is set to "Allow Null Values."?  If so, uncheck this.  Does the error persist?

New Contributor

Thanks for reply

I found how to cope with that by creating new tables, then connecting two tables.