I have a polygon feature class and I need to rotate each feature around it's own centroid 13.5°. The Rotate tool in Modify Features can only rotate features around a common centroid. How about Python or Arcade?
Are you code adept? I have a geometry class that works with arcpy that fills in the basic missing functionality
'Adept' hmm. But I'd give it a try. That's python, right?
The post here seems o have an excellent answer from a user called BERA:
It seems to be ready to go, except for adding a field specifying the rotation value for each feature (in this case create a new float field and set them all to 13.5 using field calculator).
You could of course modify the script and set it instead of a field in the cursor (row[1]) to a user-defined parameter for all the features.
I'll give this a try. Have to reload python and PyCharm on my computer first, had to reinstall windows a couple of weeks ago.
You should have a python environment as part of the ArcGIS install, also the IDLE IDE.
numpy_geometry/arcpro_npg/npg at master · Dan-Patterson/numpy_geometry (github.com)
Hi Don,
I tried to import your Alter Geometry - Rotate Features into my model builder to rotate my grid but, I got this error.
Press A key while rotating to enter a specific rotation angle.
ArcGIS Pro - https://pro.arcgis.com/en/pro-app/latest/help/editing/move-or-rotate-or-scale-a-feature.htm
ArcGIS Desktop - https://desktop.arcgis.com/en/arcmap/latest/manage-data/editing-existing-features/rotating-a-feature...
OP asked about rotating each polygon about its own centroid, not a group centroid. Personally I export a shapefile to Microstation, rotate, then reimport. But it's a pain and attributes are lost.