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How to add new field in an attribute table?

05-23-2018 07:13 AM
Deactivated User

Dear, does any one know how to add a new filed in an attribute table? First I open the attribute table of a shape file, and click the upper left button of "add field". After it pops up a new tab of attribute table, I get totally lost, couldn't  figure out what to do next. The add field button on the top is grey, and the operation is so much different from GIS 9.3.

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17 Replies
Esri Community Moderator

Are you using a shapefile? And do you have a Basic license of ArcGIS Pro?

If so, the following bug is logged [BUG-000101840: Unable to add fields via the New Field feature for shapefiles in ArcGIS Pro using an ArcGIS Pro Basic license.]  

You could also try working with a file geodatabase.

Emerging Contributor

Kory...Is it possible to talk to you on the phone regarding my question that you responded to regarding drawing...from segment to curve back to segment


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Esteemed Contributor

Was this bug fixed in Pro 2.1.3?  I ask because I changed my Named User Pro license from Standard to Basic and I then created a shapefile where I was able to add a new field and save this change to the shapefile.

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Esri Community Moderator

Michael, no this isn't marked as fixed. I tested with a shapefile and basic license in a Pro 2.2 build yesterday and reproduced the behavior.

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Esteemed Contributor

What kind of licensing are you using Kory - Named User, Concurrent Use, Single Use?

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Esri Community Moderator

Named User - Basic - Just tried in Pro 2.1.3 and the problem persists.

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New Contributor

I also have this problem still. I am using a concurrent license- Basic-I just tried in Pro 2.4.1 and the problem still persists even now. 

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Esri Community Moderator

Are you certain that you've installed Patch 1?  

If what you're seeing is related the the bug referenced above, it was addressed in Patch 1:

I just tried:

and was able to add a new field to a shapefile using both the Fields View (UI) as well as the Add Field gp tool: