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How do you find random Lattitude and Longitude points?

12-21-2018 05:25 AM
Emerging Contributor

I am attempting to find random Latitude and Longitude points where roads and waters of the state intersect without having to go into the field, how do you do this? 

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6 Replies
MVP Emeritus

I assume you have a roads layer and a river layer.

Use the Intersect tool in arctoolbox to retrieve the intersection points

Emerging Contributor


I am using ArcGIS 10.5.1 I have tried to find the Intersect Tool in the Arc Tool Box but I cant find which heading it is under can you advise?


Matt Wallace

District Technician

Richland Soil and Water Conservation District

Ph: 419-747-8687

Ph: 419-747-8686

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MVP Emeritus

Analysis toolbox, overlay toolset, it is there

Honored Contributor

Use the intersect Tool as Dan suggested or the Info Tool from the toolbar.  It will give you X,Y location information 

the intersect tool will give you a lot the info is one at a time. 

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MVP Esteemed Contributor

Where does the random part fit in?  The intersection of roads and waters isn't random.  Do you want to find all of them and then select a random subset?

Emerging Contributor


The random part comes in when we are looking at culverts and outfalls that empty into what is considered “waters of the state”. I do have a roads layer and a hydrology layer that shows the blue lined streams but they are not always all inclusive. I would like to do as you have suggested below, find them all then select a subset or random subset, how would I accomplish this?


Matt Wallace

District Technician

Richland Soil and Water Conservation District

Ph: 419-747-8687

Ph: 419-747-8686

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