How do I turn off/disable the 3D Input Device? I am using Summit Evolution with the Softmouse and do not want ArcGIS Pro to take input from it at all. I do not see an option to disable it in the dialog.
from here, as an example
Set up the stereo mapping Softmouse 3D mouse—ArcGIS Pro | Documentation
Next to Mouse Type, a Soft Mouse Detected notification is displayed, indicating that ArcGIS Pro recognized the connected Softmouse device. The absence of this notification indicates the device is disconnected.
Once connected, the Softmouse can be disconnected and reconnected without the need to restart ArcGIS Pro.
Do you see it connected?
Perhaps disconnecting isn't a Pro thing, but a mouse or system thing
I want to be able to use the mouse in another application.. The mouse is still connected, but I want ArcGIS to ignore it. Right now it is moving my system cursor all over the place and randomly pressing controls. Most applications that support 3D mice have an option to only use the system mouse and ignore the 3D Mouse. I am not seeing it in Pro.
Tech Support. You might find someone there who has a better suggestion than simply turning off the mouse when using pro. Or they can put it on their enhancement list.
I tried. They failed. We found a work around that prevents them from grabbing the mouse outside of the API.