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How do I get statistics for a field?

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08-19-2015 06:47 AM
Deactivated User

In ArcMap I just right click a field and I can get the statistics for it... this is not available in Pro, or is it? I can't find it...

31 Replies
Occasional Contributor

Thanks Kory, I will be eagerly awaiting it.

Frequent Contributor

Hard to believe this isnt in ArcGIS pro...

I cant tell you the number of times I do a select by location/attribute and then right click my selected records - statistics, to quickly determine sum, mean, std deviation.

This really really needs to be implemented in AGIS Pro, youve done such a great job with all the other tools and functionality, but this.. is really unbelievable something so useful and so simple hasnt been brought over from ArcMap.

This should be at the top of the priority list for AGIS Pro.

Frequent Contributor

Running summary statistics is very cumbersome (I have to export a new table just to see the sum of my selected records? Really?). Not only that, I cant look at multiple statistics (if I wanted to look at mean and std deviation for the same field for instance).

Before I could easily scroll through multiple different fields for my selected features, with a convenient drop down menu, and see the mean, sum etc.  Now I have to export a table, and manually create a SUM, STD DEV field for each field.... what if I have 50 fields I am trying to look through?  Now i have to manually setup 50 fields for sum, 50 fields for std dev, 50 fields for std dev, and then export a table and go through it?

Even with a 'ground-up rewrite', you need to examine and incorporate the functionality of the previous software.  I love Pro, and have been using it with great delight, but I cant use it in my workflow if it doesn't have this feature.  This tool isn't some obscure specialized tool, its something that every GIS user uses on a frequent basis.

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MVP Esteemed Contributor

Using an empty Case field, a user can specify as many fields and statistics on those fields as he/she likes, and the resulting table provides those statistics over the entire dataset.  Using the example of SUM and STD DEV for 50 fields, it can be accomplished by running the Summary Statistics tool once.  To ensure an empty Case field, make sure either no columns are selected/highlighted before launching the Summary Statistics tool or the ObjectID column is selected/highlighted.  This is even easier to achieve calling the tool through Python because you can just omit any Case field arguments.

Frequent Contributor

Hi Joshua thanks for the reply.

Although I understand that I can export statistics into another table, this is much less convenient than simply right clicking a field name and pulling up all the statistics for the selected (or all) features.

I routinely do things such as select by location, then right click field names and pull the std dev, mean, then select by location again (for a different geography), and do the same thing.  Maybe I want to see the sum. mean, std dev of features within a 3 mile ring, then again for the features in a 6 mile, 10 mile and so on. Having to export to a table for every time I make a new selection, then open that table (in excel or whatever) is simply less efficient than it is in ArcMap.  It takes much more time and many more steps to do the same thing, and I think the essence of Pro should always be to make things more efficient, less cumbersome, not the other way around.

I just dont understand why this same process cannot be duplicated in Pro, just let us right click a field name and pull the statistics for whatever selection we have. Easy, simple, efficient.

Perhaps I am misunderstanding something, but having to export a separate table (and then open it) is simply more work than how it was.  If you can explain to me how the method you outlined is more efficient than it was in ArcMap I would be delighted.

Simply put, this (see attachment) needs to be incorporated into Pro in some fashion. I know you arent an ESRI employee so this criticism isnt really directed at you!  I appreciate your contributions!

MVP Esteemed Contributor

I understand what you are after, and it will likely get added sooner than later, I think.  I occasionally use the quick statistics in ArcMap as well.

As convenient as having statistics readily available in a dialog box can be, it is also very much "ad-hoc" because the parameters to get the statistics aren't recorded anywhere, and the user either has to remember the values or write them down somewhere else.  One of the emphasis areas for ArcGIS Pro is the use of tasks "to implement best-practice workflow" and dialog boxes with information don't lend themselves to workflow automation.  I know that plenty of people use ArcMap for ad-hoc data exploration or editing, but that hasn't been Esri's focus of ArcGIS Pro to date.

You are obviously passionate about this topic and wanting this functionality.  I realize how inconsistent and frustrating Esri's customer engagement can be, but all we can do is continue to stay engaged and use the channels available to us.  If you haven't done so already, I encourage you to submit an Enhancement Request through Esri Support and see if ArcGIS Ideas has this suggested already.

Frequent Contributor

Thanks Joshua, I will.  And thank you again for your help on this topic, youve offered a workable solution to getting those statistics, and I thank you for that. Yes the statistics dialog is 'ad-hoc' like you mentioned, but I would like to have that 'ad-hoc' option available. If I want it recorded somewhere then great, I can export it to a table as well.  The option is there for the user.

My passion comes from wanting software that 'just works' and wanting to see functionality improved. There may be development reasons for limitations, but for the average user like me, we dont care about those issues.  We want efficiency and stability in the software we use.  How ESRI accomplishes that is not my care, only that it is accomplished

Esri Community Moderator

Tyler.  If you haven't already done so, please up vote this Idea

New Contributor

OMG. Here it is March 2017, version 1.4.1, and still no "ad hoc" statistics by right clicking on a field. BTW, you don't have to remember or write down statistics in ArcMap from the pop up window, you can copy and paste into other programs.

Esri Community Moderator

If you haven't already done so, please up vote this Idea Summary Statistics Workflow in ArcGIS Pro