I want to make a script in ArcGis desktop 10.8 for a simple procedure, write for each zone the province that intersects.
The desired result is for the zone layer to have a text field with the names of the province(s) it intersects.
So far, the options have not been optimal, I detail them below
These are my questions:
For this I am writing two scripts, the first attempt was:
- create a cursor on the zones layer
- select the feature with using its ID with arcpy.SelectLayerByAttribute_management
- then select by location with the provinces
- apply a cursor over the selected to get the list of provinces that will write in the attribute
The problem: this takes too long
Second attempt:
- I create an empty dictionary
- apply a cursor on zones getting the shape field and OBJECTID
- Iterate with a for
- for each case I create a province cursor
- iterate on the provinces
- I evaluate which provinces intersect the zone, in the dictionary I store the id of the zone as a key with a list of the provinces. For this I evaluate if the geometry of zones intersects the province geometry, For example: zona.overlap(province)
The problem: it still takes a long time, 1.8 minutes for 40 zone and they are 1008
Cursors do take quite some time, so you should minimize them. You only need to instantiate a cursor 3 times:
You can do everything else without cursors:
# [ [Zones.OBJECTID, Zones.Shape] ]
zones = [ [oid, shp] for oid, shp in arcpy.da.SearchCursor("Zones", ["OBJECTID", "SHAPE@"])]
# [ [Provinces.Name, Provinces.Shape] ]
provinces = [ [name, shp] for name, shp in arcpy.da.SearchCursor("Provinces", ["Name", "SHAPE@"])]
# {Zones.OBJECTID: Zones.ProvinceNames}
zone_dict = dict()
for z_oid, z_shp in zones:
p_names = [p_name for p_name, p_shp in provinces if z_shp.overlaps(p_shp)]
zone_dict[z_oid] = ", ".join(p_names)
with arcpy.da.UpdateCursor("Zones", ["OBJECTID", "ProvinceNames"]) as cursor:
for oid, names in cursor:
names = zone_dict[oid]
cursor.updateRow([oid, names])
except KeyError:
print(f"could not find any province names for zone with OID {oid}")