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Have to manually add symbology in ArcGIS Pro 3.1.1

05-01-2023 07:05 AM
Occasional Contributor III

Hello everyone!

I recently updated to the latest version of ArcGIS Pro - and it seems like it's struggling a bit to auto-detect values in the attribute table for symbology. 

In the past, when you switch from single symbol to unique symbol - it appeared that the program would automatically detect what was in the attribute table, and generate the different values for the symbology. Then you could go back edit/delete what you don't want.

But I've notice since updating, it stopped detecting the different values and I have to keep manually adding it. Is there a setting somewhere in the program that I can turn back on so it will auto-detect it? Has anyone else had this problem? 

Here is a video of the example

  • In the example - I have 2 types in the attribute table (EW Towers & Repeater Stations). When I switch from single to unique values, it doesn't pick up that the 2 types are in the attribute table and just shows the "all other values" category.

I've had this happen on other projects and datasets that I've been working on - so it's not just this project! 

4 Replies
Esri Notable Contributor

I too am seeing this in ArcGIS Pro 3.1.1.  My current workaround is to click the Field 1 dropdown, change it something else, then change it back to the original value for unique values.  I'm thinking a bug...

I'd recommend contacting Esri Support Services and creating a incident case so the developers are aware of this.  I don't see any cases currently showing this.  You can contact Esri Support Services here.

Occasional Contributor III

I contact ESRI support and they told me this was expected behavior(?)

I don't think that's how it worked in the past - I thought it typically auto-detected all the values in the attribute, you didn't have to manually add individual values every single time 🤔


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Occasional Contributor III

Okay - I feel less crazy now 😂

Tech support says that it's expected behavior, but I found a couple of YouTube videos that shows it automatically adding all values instead of having to add everything manually every time.

I'll send them the videos and keep working on it. 

I feel better now lol

Occasional Contributor III

So I figured out what was going on!

When I initially open up the layer in the Symbology panel - the first field it selects in the panel, it never seems to generate the symbology. But if I switch it to a different field (ex. It starts on a Type field > switch it to a Name field > and then back to Type) and then switch it back to the original, then it seems to automatically generate the symbology.

So if I use the video example - 

There is a Type field - when I first open the Symbology panel, the symbology doesn't automatically populate. But if I add a Name field to the data, and then switch from the Name field back to the Type, then everything will automatically generate at that point and I don't have to manually add values.

Not sure if it's a bug or what! I'll probably just switch back and forth between fields for now as a workaround if that works. 

Just wanted to let everyone know!

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