I'm trying to do something similar to the video shown here in regards to pictures/photos taken on site
Animation Lessons—Layer Visibility - YouTube
I can't figure out how to place a photo in a 3D view so that it shows from the perspective of the photographer. I would like to be able to overlay features on the photo to see what something would look like to an observer if it was built.
This is for ArcGIS Pro 2.9.2
Any tips would be great
What kind of photo or pictures do you have ? Can you screenshot of the photo or picture ?
Here is a sample of one the pictures
Is that the only picture or do you have a lot of them ?
We have lots, but will only use a few for these purposes. Not enough that we have to worry about batching them.
Did you take the pictures like IPhone or what ?
They are from a phone. Does that impact how getting it to display like the painting in the video is displayed?
No, but the Phone should provide you the EXIF that include the GPS in it.
Yup, it did that. That allows us to map where the photos are located on map and use the oriented imagery option. But still doesn't make it so we can view them in 3D like the example.
Didn't you use the Drones to do that ?