Good morning!
I'm trying to use the Fill tool and it keeps getting stuck in the middle of the process and never finishes. Its gotten stuck as several different percentages (50, 56, 67, 88, 98, etc). I used this tool with no issue about a week ago, but since Friday I haven't successfully run the tool.
I can clip rasters without issue, but I had this same issue using the Nibble tool.
I've tried: using the tool in multiple different project files, clearing my cache, changing the output location, downgrading from ArcGIS pro 3.2 to 3.1, trying different DEM's. Still, the process does not finish.
I have an advanced license; spatial analysist is active. I'm currently running ArcGIS Pro 3.1.3.
Is it a large area with lots of sinks?
Fill has the following cautions
Running the Fill tool can be memory, CPU, and disk intensive. It can require up to four times the disk space of the input raster.
The number of sinks found with the z-limit will determine the length of processing time. The more sinks there are, the longer the processing time will be.
Agree with Dan, I think you may be running into an issue with available harddrive space. This technical article provides some insight on how to clear ArcGIS Pro temporary files and maybe, just maybe, allow the GP tool to finish.
Any update on this? I ran into the exact issue you are having/have had; the Fill tool also gets stuck at 67% (Area of Analysis is 25,000 km2).
I upgraded from ArcGIS Pro 3.0.0 to 3.2.2 because Flow Direction and Flow Accumulation were not working, and I still cannot get the tool to finish. For comparison I ran these three tools with ArcMap 10.8.2 on a much larger Area of Analysis (165,000 km2); all three tools finished in ~15 minutes. Unfortunately, this workaround doesn't work for me I am trying to build a custom tool.
@Dustin_E - curiousity question for you. For the Flow Direction and Flow Accumulation GP tools that are freezing, are you setting a Parallel Processing value at all in the GP tool Environments? In the internals, I'm seeing any value above 30 causes the GP to stall.
I have not set a Parallel Processing value; all of the environment settings are the default values.
As an aside, I am running into the same issue with the Boundary Clean tool.
Thanks for the response Dustin - so let's try another workflow. Is it possible to reduce the size of the area to a smaller geographic extent to test if it's the size of the dataset or the GP tool? Please advise.
Apologies for the delayed response. I reduced the AOI to 60 km2. Here are the current execution times in ArcGIS Pro 3.3.2:
The Flow Accumulation output data type of Float and Integer were tried; both got stuck. I incrementally increased the size of the AOI. From 60 km2 to 1,500 km2, the Fill and Flow Direction tools each took less than 15 seconds to execute. At 2,000 km2, both tools got stuck, processing for greater than 30 minutes.
I seem to be experiencing the same problem with the nibble tool. Basically, it was working fine yesterday. Took about 2 minutes to run, done it literally hundreds of times, no problem. Today. Doesn't run through, hours and hours, never completes, hanging at different percentage progress. Also doesn't run if I go back to datasets that ran perfectly yesterday. I have heaps of disk space, and I've cleared the caches as described above.
Basically, nibble tool has just stopped working. I tried a different computer same problem. Doesn't run from script, doesn't run point and click. I tried dropping the parallel processing factor from the default 9 to 4 also doesn't help.
Does anyone have any ideas? I'm kinda stuck.