The recent update Pro 3.2 (and GDAL) has broken the ability for GDAL to open WCS urls. We rely on this for some plugins. Running below code in Pro <= 3.1 works perfectly (returns a dataset), but results in ERROR 4 for Pro 3.2.
I tried below on the latets version of GDAL outside of Pro and it also works fine. Any advice? Thanks!
from osgeo import gdal
url = 'https://ows.dea.ga.gov.au/wcs?service=WCS&VERSION=1.0.0&REQUEST=GetCoverage&COVERAGE=ga_ls5t_nbart_gm_cyear_3&MEASUREMENTS=blue,green,red,sdev&TIME=1991-01-01&BBOX=-1491464.3902944827,-3760705.2463235464,-1485657.8995810281,-3753979.4918812234&CRS=EPSG:3577&RESX=30&RESY=30&FORMAT=GeoTIFF'
ds = gdal.Open(url, gdal.GA_ReadOnly)
Report this to Tech Support.
I provided your other link on the Beta site, but it is now closed, so the only way this will get funneled properly is through tech support or a random visit from the python dev team
Thanks Dan,
I actually started there but only seemed to have the option of reporting bugs about installation. Ill have another look.